Fielding Hills hosts: Lake Chelan: Icebergs, Landslides and Earthquakes with Lake Chelan Research Institute

sat12oct5:30 pmsat7:30 pmFielding Hills hosts: Lake Chelan: Icebergs, Landslides and Earthquakes with Lake Chelan Research Institute

Event Details

What secrets has Lake Chelan been keeping for the last 10,000 years? Join Phil Long for a presentation on the preliminary bathymetric and sub-bottom data along with sediment cores recently collected in Lake Chelan and they begin to decipher the answers. Bring your curiosity and questions!
Tickets include a personal charcuterie board, a glass of wine, and a $10 donation to LCRI. Buy tickets here.



October 12, 2024 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm(GMT-08:00)

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